Stop Treating Your Goals as Checklists and Turn them into a Lifestyle

When we set goals, our inclination is to add their pursuit as items on a to-do list. It’s our base assumption about goals — that they’re things we “have to do.” We add their pursuit to our days, tacking them on before and after work, before and after dinner, before we go to bed at …

How to Read a Book (for the sake of getting smarter)

There are two things to collect when reading a book: the insights of the author (things you want to remember) and the insights the book illicits for yourself. Sometimes the most valuable things about a book are the things you learn. Other times, it’s the rabbit trails that spin off of it, and the things …

Training Yourself to Think Like an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs think differently from the rest of us. They’re idea alchemists — they see not what is, but rather, what could be. The average person looks at a problem and thinks about inconvenience. This is a bother. This gets in my way. An entrepreneur looks at a problem and thinks about solutions. This is what …

Quora Answer: How Do I Know What Career Path to Take?

Two answers: be deliberate, but also don’t sweat it. First off: be deliberate. You don’t have to know all of the answers. No one expects you to. The term “career path” implies that it’s something that evolves and changes over time, and that’s normal. When you close your eyes and you imagine your life in …